We employ the 50-30-20 principle of serving:

50% of our adult and youth average worship participation are to be serving during our regular worship service.

30% of our adult and youth average worship participation are to be resting having finished one period of serving and preparing themselves for their next.

20% of our adult and youth average worship participation are to be serving outside our congregation in ministries in and to our community.

Areas of Service

Teaching (children, youth, adults) – We utilize the ministry safe service system for training and certifying all those who work with children, youth and vulnerable adults.


Hospitality (serving refreshments, communion)

Technology (presentation, audio/video, networking, website, app, social media)

Praise Band (vocal / instrumental)

Helping Hands (administrative tasks, planning, supplying, writing cards, etc)

Bereavement Meals

Let us know in the comments section of your connection card in any worship service that you are ready to find your place of service at Andrew and we will help you discern where that is and see that you are trained and equipped.