The download link below will get you the Facility Usage and Hold Harmless Agreement form you need to request to use our community building for an event. This form is required by our facility insurance and must be notarized.
There is no charge for use of the building and donations are appreciated but not required.
To Request Use of the Community Building:
1. Please send and email to with your requested date, time, a description of your event, and contact information. Please be aware that we have standing reservations for our ministry outreach for Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings from 5-9 PM.
2. A member of our team will review your information for compatibility with our mission, vision, and values. We reserve the right to decline usage requests that we have discerned to not be compatible . A member of our team will contact you if more information is needed, the compatibility determination, and availability.
3. For requests that are approved please download the Facility Usage and Hold Harmless agreement, fill it out competely, have it notarized.
3. Coordinate with the person from our team you have been working with to make and appointment for the person responsible for the event to physically deliver it to our church office. This may not be delegated to others and only in-person submission will be accepted. At this time a walk-through of the facility will be done and the details of building use / setup and cleanup will be addressed.
4. You will be provided a code for the lock box containing the building key that will be active only for the period of your building use.
5. Please contact they team member who is assisting you prior to leaving the facilty on the day of your event for a final closeout walkthrough of the spaces used.