Have Kids 6 Wks – 5th Grade? Andrew Church Kids (ACKS) is Designed Just for Them
What is Andrew Church Kids (ACKS)?
Andrew Church Kids is our children's ministry that is designed to teach kids about Jesus on their level in a safe, clean, fun and exciting way! We also offer a private Mothers’ Viewing Room for moms who may be nursing where our live stream is available.
What Safety Precautions Does Andrew Church Have In Place?
Security is present at all times. In addition, all Andrew Church Kids ministry servants are background checked, interviewed, trained and we randomly look in on each classroom every few minutes while kids are present! Only adults WITH a pick-up tag will be permitted to check-out your child from Andrew Church Kids (ACKS).
How Will You Notify Me If I'm Needed During a Service?
Your pick-up tag number will be displayed (in a nice way) on the screen in the worship hall to let you know you are needed.
What Time Can I Check in My Child?
Andrew Church Kids (ACKS) rooms will open 15 minutes prior to the start of the service.
How Do I Check in My Child on Subsequent Sundays?
We'll teach you how to check-in your kids (the kids soon learn how themselves and they love being able to operate the tech) yourself or we'll do it for you. There are two check-in stations so waiting is minimal (and its right next to a bathroom). The tags print right at the check-in station and a ministry servant will be there to walk your child to the correct classroom.
What If My Child Wants to Bring a Friend?
Great idea! We can always add them to your current family and check them in along with your children.
Are Children Allowed in The Worship Service?
Are they yes, although we prefer your child to experience worship and teaching created specifically for their age. We do ask that you be considerate of others around you and if your child is having a wiggly/cranky day to please take them to one of our common areas where you will be able to participate in the service through our livestream.